Hey guys! This month on the Boho Blog we're talking ways to make your holiday (and everyday!) sewing even more fantastic! I don't know about you but it seems like every year I promise myself that "This is the year I'll conquer my fear of ____________!" (Insert whatever your personal sewing white whale may be...)
And then in the next breath I talk myself out of it. This holiday season we're going to power through your fears and mine and we're going to do it together. We've rounded up some of the best tutorials for all of the most common questions and panic-inducing sewing tasks (looking at YOU, button holes, zippers and appliques!) Let's do this!
First on our list is sewing with velvet. Now velvet is the textile version of holiday royalty - it's rich and luxurious and cozy and looks as great in the family Christmas card photo as it does at the office party and the New Years Eve gala event. But it's temperamental to sew with.
We love what Heather and the gang over at Closet Case Patterns had to offer about this holiday staple.
Now when you're done with that, head right on over to the shop and pick out some luscious velvet for yourself and get after it! We can't wait to see what you make!